The Adaptation Mental Health Clinic was founded in 2001 by four psychiatrists. These are: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Toma Tomov, Dr. Nikolay Mihailov, Dr. Irina Lazarova and Dr. Vladimir Sotirov. Adaptation Mental health Clinic is registered as a “group practice for specialized psychiatric outpatient care”.
phone: 02/ 983-60-23
mobile: 0878-826-213 e- mail:adaptacia@abv.bg 0878-826-213
address: Sofia
1000 Tsar Simeon street 13

Solidarnost Association for the Rehabilitation of Addicts
Outside of the day therapeutic community, the Solidarnost Program offers individual counseling suitable for people with problematic drug and alcohol use or gambling, who have a job and a supportive social and family environment. Family counseling is offered for their parents and relatives.
Meetings for information, advice, support and primary contact possible with prior appointment with the duty team of Solidarnost:
Information and Consultation Center „Ambassadors of Hope“ and Rehabilitation Program:
Sofia, 1 „Ekzarh Yosif“ str.
Phone: 02-971-99-20
Phone: 0884-38-99-30
e-mail: info@solidarnost-bg.org
Work time: Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 17:00

National Information Line on Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling
Mobile phone: 0888-99-18-66
Opening hours:Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 17:00

Kanchelov Clinic is a specialized outpatient clinic for psychotherapy and treatment of addictions, alcoholism, mental and psychological problems.
Clinic for treatment of addictions, alcohol, mental and psychological problems
- address: Sofia, Lozenets. 102-B Dimitar Hadjikotsev Str
- phone 02 / 865 51 48
- e-mail: office@klinikakanchelov.com
- Methadone-Assisted Psychotherapy Clinic
- address: Sofia, Oborishte, 34 Dunav Str
- phone 02/983 21 16
- e-mail: office@klinikakanchelov.com
Kanchelov Clinic – Vidin
- address: Vidin, 29 Khan Asparuh Str. – the eastern outer wing of the polyclinic – DCC 1
- phone 087 85 88 228
- e-mail: office@klinikakanchelov.com
Bonclinics – Kanchelov Clinic – Stara Zagora
- address: Stara Zagora, 51 Tsar Kaloyan Str
- tel .: 088 49 03 051
- е-mail: office@klinikakanchelov.com

Rositsa Yordanova – clinical psychologist, family counselor, cognitive-behavioral counselor and pediatric therapist
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”- PhD student
Member of the Bulgarian Association of Family Therapy
phone 0879 344 566
Plovdiv, 15 Ruski Blvd.

Kristina Sungarska – criminal psychologist, specializing in working with problem children and youth; addiction counseling and treatment
kristinasungarska@gmail.com · Facebook: kristina.sungarska · Sofia, 9-12 Keshan Str.

Gamblers Anonymous Bulgaria
Meetings: Every Thursday from 19.00
Address: 146 Knyaz Boris I Str. In the building of the Catholic Church “St. John”, reception floor, room 2.
For more information 0876520178