In an era dominated by technology, children are becoming increasingly reliant on phones, tablets, te...
The festive season begins with a focus on family, friends and Christmas food, but it also marks a ch...
Dr. Mariana Todorova In the age of digital connectivity, the allure of video games has captured the...
Associate Professor Mariana Todorova, PhD In the age we live in with technology dominating our live...
Are there people cured of gambling addiction - what is gambling addiction?Before we answer more spec...
How I Stopped Gambling - When Do You Need Motivational Stories About Gambling?Before we talk more sp...
How to quit gambling – a question that quite a few people ask themselves "How to quit gambling" is...
How is gambling addiction treated - what is it? Before we answer more specifically the question "How...
How do I know that I have a gambling problem? „How do I know that I have a gambling problem?“ ...