Responsible Gaming Month with 20th anniversary in New York State

This March will be the 20th anniversary of the launch of National Problem Gambling Awareness Month in New York State. The New York State Gaming Commission, the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Support, and the New York Council on Problem Gambling will organize а series of events, where participants will have the chance to gain more knowledge on the subject of responsible gaming and how to prevent addiction.

March 14th was a day for screening identification of people who are vulnerable and may suffer from problematic gambling. At the end of the month there will be a regional listening session organized with leaders from the problem gambling treatment community.

“Gambling oppоrtunities in Тhe Empire State continue to grow. This is why it is important for the local citizens to be aware of the multiple available instruments for responsible gaming”, said Robert Williams, executive director of The New York State Gaming Commission.

One of the leading supporters of the responsible gaming – Senator Joe Adabo commented that it is important that the efforts for dealing with addiction problems must be bolstered. “Recently, The New York State Gaming Commission accepted new rules on gambling advertisement”, he said and added that the aim of the these rules is to limit the exposure of sports betting marketing and commercials to underage bettors. In addition to that, the commission officials have approved a prohibition of misleading, deceptive or false statements.

The color associated with responsible gaming in New York State is yellow, and many buildings, landmarks, and gaming facilities in the state are illuminated in yellow for the whole month of March. Some of these properties, include the Albany International Airport Gateway, Empire State Plaza, Fairport Lift Bridge, Grand Central Terminal, Lake Placid Olympic Jumping Complex, and many others.

Boris Mihaylov: “In 2022 NRA put a focus on responsible gambling”

During an interview for the Bulgarian news agency, the Executive Director of the National Revenue Agency (NRA) Boris Mihaylov commented that during the last year NRA has put a focus on the responsible gaming subject. “Our goal is to limit gambling addiction, to give guidelines for responsible gaming and to protect adolescents”, he said.

On a question about the latest novelties at the NRA the Executive Director pointed out the reorganization on the structure of the Agency; the launch of renewed eservices portal and the renewal of the non-public register for people with a tendency to develop a gambling addiction. “As of January 25, 2023, more than 370 people have voluntarily entered the register”, explained Mihaylov and added that recommendations for the gambling operators, advice for the parents and recommendations for responsible gaming have been published on the NRA’s website.

During the conversation, it became clear that in 2022 the revenues collected by the National agency for the central state budged are BGN 18 billion, which is 10% more than the revenues collected in the previous year. S


Responsible Gaming Foundation reminds that the NRA resumed maintaining the register of the persons vulnerable to gambling

The National Revenue Agency (NRA) has reopened the register of persons vulnerable to gambling. It is already working and anyone who thinks they have a problem can sign in it. The register is not public.

Registrants will not be admitted to gaming facilities or online betting sites. Signing in the register is done by submitting a request on-site at the NRA office or sent to the e-mail address, signed with a qualified electronic signature. It specifies a period that cannot be shorter than two years. If the registered person wants to be deleted from the register, he or she has to submit a new request to the National Revenue Agency. This can also be done when the period indicated in the original request has expired, and if such period hasn’t been indicated – it can not be shorter than two years from the date of its entry into it.

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“Sesame” is the new partner of the Responsible Gaming Foundation

„Сезам“ е новият партньор на фондация „Отговорна игра“. 

„Сезам“ е верига игрални зали с над 20-годишна история. В 20-те си зали, разположени в 12 града в България, както и чрез онлайн казиното си, веригата предлага на потребителите различни игри и забавления, обединени от обща цел: да се залага разумно. Новоустановеното партньорство между „Сезам“ и фондация „Отговорна игра“ е доказателство за сериозното отношение на оператора към темата и грижата към клиента. С дарението си новият ни партньор ще допринесе за развитието на нашите обучения и инициативи по информиране и популяризиране на играта в нормални граници под мотото „Играя отговорно“. Инициативите по превенция и подкрепа към играчи в риск, с които фондацията е ангажирана, са вече част от корпоративната социална отговорност на компанията.

 Благодарим на „Сезам“ за отговорното отношение! Вярваме, че партньорството ни ще бъде успешно и ползотворно!“

The Responsible Gaming Foundation has launched its first training for the year

On June 15, 2022, the Responsible Gaming Foundation conducted its first training for the year, aimed at professionals involved in the casino industry. The topic was “Raising the awareness and skills of employees of gambling halls and casinos to ensure safe play.”
The training was conducted by specialists at the Kanchelov Clinic and was aimed at teams in companies that are licensed under the Gambling Law and organize games both online and in traditional gambling halls and casinos. Psychologists conducted the event in two parts: a theoretical part with presentations, during which in continuous interaction with the participants various issues of responsible behavior in games through bets were discussed and also practical assignments on various cases in small groups for more effective assimilation.
The training was conducted by specialists at the Kanchelov Clinic and was aimed at teams in companies that are licensed under the Gambling Law and organize games both online and in traditional gambling halls and casinos. Psychologists conducted the event in two parts: a theoretical part with presentations, during which in continuous interaction with the participants various issues of responsible behavior in betting games were discussed and also practical part with assignments on various cases in small groups for more effective assimilation. The solutions to the cases discussed by the groups received feedback from psychologists in order to improve the skills in working with people and were identified by the participants as extremely useful. The topic of gambling addiction is often overlooked, but it is important for employees in the industry and therefore all necessary actions are taken to reach a wide range of industry professionals and consumers. “There is not much talk about this issue, because those affected are trying to hide the problem or deal with it themselves, which in most cases is not productive,” said Milena Tsankarska, executive director of the Responsible Gaming Foundation. She specified that the saturated advertising messages, which appear on all communication channels, increase the need for training for adequate behavior of the teams that work directly with the end customers of the sector.
“Among the goals of the Foundation is to inform the public, to point out to vulnerable people the ways, methods, channels through which they could receive professional help. Fortunately, the percentage of people who tend to develop gambling addiction is not high, but it exists anyway,” added Milena Tsankarska. She clarified that the topic is live and present and there is a lack of sufficient information, as well as purposeful work on it, which explains the great interest in the first training this year. “We are preparing the next course in September,” said Milena Tsankarska.