Responsible Gaming – legislation and regulation
The main normatiove act in Bulgarian legislation, which regulate the activities of organizers and manufactures in gambling industry and defines their principles and obligations regarding the creation of conditions for responsible gaming, is the Gambling Act. In it are provided restrictions about advertisings of gambling games, the purpose of which is to exclude minors from the potential audience. Also the gambling organizers have the obligation to put on prominent place in the casinos, gambling halls and the rest of his objects warning messages about the risks of gambling addiction and providing information about the options for seeking help if it is available.
And not least, the organizers and manufacturers in the gambling industry on year base must to make mandatory contributions to the state for socially responsible behavior. Contributions, which are transferred to the budget of the Ministry of Youth and Sports through the NRA, and are used to support sports initiatives and projects for youth activities.
Responsible Gaming – which are its principles?
Of course, ensuring Responsble Gaming depends not only on the organizers and manufacturers in the gambling industry, but also by the users themselves. In order for gambling to remain only and only a form of entertainment for you and not to cause you any problems in the financial and life aspect, you must observe the following principles of responsible gambling:
- The principles of Responsible Gaming: Inform yourself reliably about the rules of the game – you cannot guarantee responsible play without having reliably informed yourself about its rules. Before you start playing, read all the rules and instructions carefully and make sure you understand them correctly. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant game organizer.
- The principles of Responsible Gaming: Set a budget for yourself and don’t go beyond it – responsible gaming is game where you must to know exactly how much money you can afford to lose and stick to it. So for truly responsible gaming, set a budget in advance that matches your current income and financial situation. And in no case do not go beyond the budget in question and do not borrow money, because this is not an example of responsible gaming, but can also bring you very serious problems in the financial and life aspect.
- The principles of Responsible Gaming: Don’t play too long – Another deviation from the principles of safe and responsible play is not being able to stop in time. Again, it is necessary to determine in advance the permissible time for responsible gaming and not to go beyond it. Take frequent breaks so you don’t get too carried away and tempted to violate the principles of safe and responsible gaming.
- The principles of Responsible Gaming: Don’t chase your losses – this is one of the main rules that everyone who wants to stick to safe and responsible gaming should follow. What does it mean to not chase losses? It means that if you have suffered a losing streak, you should not continue to play and bet more money. In such cases, it is unlikely that you will wipe out the losses – rather, you will increase them and create serious financial problems for yourself. Stick to playing it safe and responsible so you don’t harm your personal finances and your overall prospects professionally and personally.
- The principles of Responsible Gaming: Stop playing in time – we will highlight again that among the basic principles of safe and responsible gaming is to be able to stop at any time. When you decide that you have won, it is better to stop your participation in the game, because the profit can easily turn into a loss. And definitely stop if you have spent your pre-determined budget and further participation would cause you financial problems.
Signs that you’re straying beyond the boundaries of safe and responsible gaming
It’s good to know which are the sings telling you that you are going outside the safe limits and responsible gaming. If you notice similar signs in your behavior, stop gambling immediately and if necessary seek professional help. Here are the signs of going beyond safe and responsible gaming:
- Signs that you’re straying beyond the boundaries of safe and responsible gaming: you want to play more and more – when you lose, you feel an irresistible urge to play more to make up for it, and when you win, it seems like the generation of profits will go on forever. This is a sure sign that you are deviating from safe and responsible gaming. When you notice it, you should stop immediately, so as not to go from a responsible gaming to a serious addiction.
- Signs that you’re straying beyond the boundaries of safe and responsible gaming: it’s hard for you to stop, even when you have a financial problems – if you find it difficult to stop what you consider to be responsible gaming, even when you are in financial difficulties, and you gamble with funds saved for completely other things, then you have not only deviated from safe and responsible gaming, you have also started to become addicted . Get professional help right away before you’re in a really bad situation.
- Signs that you’re straying beyond the boundaries of safe and responsible gaming: you play even during working hours – Gambling addicts play in front of the computer even during their working hours. For them, any other activity or occupation is secondary. Once you’ve reached this stage, it’s almost impossible to get back to playing safely and responsibly on your own. Seek professional help immediately to minimize damage to your life and finances.
Responsible Gaming Foundation – contact with us if you need help and support
Responsible Gaming Foundation is the only foundation of its kind in our country for promoting Responsible gaming and providing support for gambling addiction. We aim to contribute to building habits of safe and responsible gaming, making people aware of the risks of gambling addiction, and supporting individuals caught in a dangerous spiral. If you too have a problem with gambling addiction and need help and support, do not hesitate to contact us. The team at the Responsible Gaming Foundation will refer you to psychologists and other types of specialists who would help you deal with the problem and return to your normal rhythm of life.
How can the game remain just fun?

This is how:
Potential risks
Like many other activities, the fun of the game can develop into a behavioural disorder that can be addictive. Here are some of the cues that can help you determine what role the game plays in your life – whether it’s just for fun or there’s a second plan:
I want to play more and more, especially after losing;
It seems to me that when I start winning, it will last forever;
It’s hard for me to stop, even when I promise not to play again;
I’m having financial difficulties because I’m spending my savings to play gambling games;
I play during working hours (in front of the computer), trying to recoup my losses and/or gain more;
Any other activity or hobby that I usually enjoy is starting to become an unwanted obligation.