Everyone decides if and when to play. Most people control the time they spend playing and the money they pay – for them it’s fun and relaxation. They realize that they are likely to lose and do not bet more than they can afford to lose. This shows a sensible approach to play. However, some of the players have difficulty applying this approach, which can lead to major risks such as personal and financial difficulties, family problems, alienation, etc. That is why the Responsible Gaming Foundation, through its prevention and assistance program, informs consumers on how to play wisely and provides useful advice and timely support to those seeking help.

Potential risks
Like many other activities, the fun of the game can develop into a behavioural disorder that can be addictive. Here are some of the cues that can help you determine what role the game plays in your life – whether it’s just for fun or there’s a second plan:
I want to play more and more, especially after losing;
It seems to me that when I start winning, it will last forever;
It’s hard for me to stop, even when I promise not to play again;
I’m having financial difficulties because I’m spending my savings to play gambling games;
I play during working hours (in front of the computer), trying to recoup my losses and/or gain more;
Any other activity or hobby that I usually enjoy is starting to become an unwanted obligation.